Home » The Complexities Behind Semi-Truck Accidents For Immigrant Families

The Complexities Behind Semi-Truck Accidents For Immigrant Families

by Ally Bolour | Oct 7, 2024

When a semi-truck accident happens, the aftermath is often more complicated than typical vehicle collisions. The reasons for this go beyond the sheer size of the truck or the extent of damage. Semi-truck accidents involve more factors and parties that can make the legal process more challenging.

Multiple Parties Are Involved

One of the key reasons semi-truck accidents are more complicated is the number of people and entities involved. Unlike regular car accidents where it is usually just the drivers, semi-truck accidents may include the truck driver, the trucking company, the manufacturer of the truck or its parts, and even the company that loaded the cargo. All these parties may share responsibility, which makes determining liability more difficult. The attorneys at Bolour / Carl Immigration Group can attest to the importance of figuring out exactly who is responsible in these situations.

Complex Regulations

Commercial trucking is heavily regulated. Federal and state laws govern everything from how many hours a driver can be on the road to the weight limits a truck can carry. These regulations are meant to increase safety but also add layers to any accident investigation. To determine whether any laws were violated, investigators must examine logbooks, truck maintenance records, and more. These documents can reveal whether a driver was fatigued, if the truck was overloaded, or if there was a failure in regular maintenance. A lawyer, like a semi-truck accident lawyer, knows that all of these issues add another layer to resolving a semi-truck accident claim.

Injuries And Damages Are Often Severe

The size and weight of a semi-truck mean that accidents involving them tend to result in far more serious injuries and damages. Victims in smaller vehicles often face life-threatening injuries, long recovery periods, and significant medical costs. The scale of these damages requires detailed assessments and larger settlements or awards than those in car accidents. Insurance companies may be more likely to dispute claims, adding further time and complexity to the process.

Insurance Policies Are More Complicated

Another reason semi-truck accidents are harder to resolve is that the insurance policies involved are often much larger and more complex than those for regular vehicles. Commercial trucking companies carry higher limits of liability due to the increased risk their vehicles pose on the road. While this is designed to provide more compensation for victims, it also means that insurance companies will fight harder to limit their payouts. Handling these insurance claims requires experience with policies that may cover different aspects of the accident, such as cargo damage, driver error, and vehicle maintenance issues.

The Investigation Process Takes Longer

Due to all the factors mentioned, investigating a semi-truck accident takes more time. Police reports and witness statements are just the start. Investigators need to look at the truck’s black box data, check for potential mechanical failures, and assess whether the trucking company or driver followed all applicable regulations. Each of these steps can reveal new information that might shift the liability. With so many moving parts, it’s no surprise that these cases take longer to resolve than typical car accidents.

Finding Legal Help Today

Semi-truck accidents involve more than just two drivers exchanging information. With multiple parties, complex insurance policies, and severe injuries, these accidents present a range of legal challenges. Our friends at Johnston | Martineau PLLP discuss how it is crucial to handle these cases with care. If you find yourself dealing with a semi-truck accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to qualified legal professionals to help navigate the complexities.

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"Professionalism, friendly, respectful, helpful and always answering any questions I had. The long journey has brought me a mix of emotions but the team of Bolour Immigration Group and particularly Scott and Ally have proven to be the right choice to help me get through."
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